Expressive Art with Caroline

6 week painting immersion WITH ARTIST CAROLINE KARP ON ZOOM
Discover boundless creativity, embrace artistic joy and create your own intuitive mixed-media masterpiece in just 6 sessions, without any prior experience.

Every Monday evening is Expressive Art with Caroline. This is a special time when people from all different time zones get together over Zoom to play and make art.

There are no rules. There’s no “good” or “bad” art. Just interesting people who want to add more joy and creativity to their lives—with a little support from me.

I can’t think of a better way to spend a Monday evening. There are six weekly sessions from 7 to 9 PM EST. There are five spots available in this cohort and then the doors close. Enroll now to save your spot.

artist in her studio teaching an online class
Break free from excuses

Learn to relax and let inspiration in

Feel good about yourself when you hang your beautiful painting created by YOU
Here's what to expect
  • 6 weekly sessions: with a clear roadmap from white canvas to a signed work of art

  • Theory & practice: Every session has 15min of theory & 1h45min of practice so you can test right away every step I teach and ask me questions in real time

    • Small groups of 5: so you can get all your questions answered together with friendly art lovers.

    • 1x1 critiques: every week you can send me a private email and I will critique your progress during or after the session with custom video recorded feedback.


    #1 International Best Selling Author: “The Creative Life Book”

    Over four decades of guiding others through practices of art and moving meditation

    “Painting with Caroline has been a transformative experience, helping me break through creative blocks and tap into my true artistic potential." —Alexandra

    3 intriguing statistics about people that create art without fear. Here's how you can.
    It's as easy as…
    1: Sign up for Expressive Art with CKA - 6 week immersion
    2: Get a supply list
    3: Show up and express your inner Kindergartener