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Enlightened Artist Blog: En Plein Air Painting in NYC…

Keep your eyes to yourself! It was the first thing I noticed when I hopped on the subway in Manhattan. Why did everyone all the sudden turn into this collective person who stared blankly into the distance? So much hustle and bustle… so noisy and so hectic. Such a mixture of people from all over the globe with the same …

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Let’s Make A Connection!

So… Wanna be on my email list? My email newsletter goes out Bimonthly, usually on Tuesday mornings.  By subscribing to that email, you’ll get to be part of the growing community of fans and patrons.  Join my list to get the following: Special offers. From time to time, you will receive special offers that will entice you. See amazing works …

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The Pathway to Artist: Enlightened Artist Blog

The Pathway to Artist is a journey that I have been on for the past 48 years or so. It began when I was 2 and I started to paint my version of sunflowers. Big blobs of yellow paint on large pieces of art paper the size of me. Well, maybe I was 3. I am often asked the question …

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A Slice of Life – Commemorative Paintings

Enlightened Artist Blog: A Slice of Life – Commemorative Paintings (For women who shop Prada) Or Christian Dior- After women, flowers are the most divine creations. – Christian Dior×48-acrylic/ This post is for you if – You like a good story. You get mesmerized by watching an artist paint at lightning fast speed. You have a special event that …