Stormy At The Hopper House,24×24 Acrylic,
“Stormy At The Hopper House,” a 24×24 acrylic painting, captures the dramatic clash between serenity and chaos. Painted Plein Aire style on Don Pedro Island, Florida, this piece was created on the beach as a powerful storm rolled in, showcasing nature’s raw and unpredictable beauty. The storm’s energy is alive in the brushstrokes—dynamic yet controlled, creating a tension that is both mystical and magical. With a style that merges realism and abstraction, this painting falls into what I coin as romantic expressionism, capturing the soul of a fleeting moment where calm and turmoil coexist.
Influenced by the evocative work of Edward Hopper, *Stormy At The Hopper House* channels a “Hopperesque” sense of solitude and atmosphere, brought to life by the unique light and mood of a stormy sunset. It’s a piece that feels timeless, reflecting a deeply personal vision of the world amidst the ever-changing forces of nature.
“The only quality that endures in art is a personal vision of the world.” — Edward Hopper