Enlightened Artist Blog: How to attract Abundance (For women who shop Prada)
Abundance; A very large quantity of something.
What do you think of when you think Abundance? Most people automatically think “money,”right?
Today at the Blue Table (where 6 adorable 5 year olds and I sit in our Kindergarten classroom) our vocabulary word of the day (for journaling) is abundance.
Here is each child’s initial connection:
- Emily – has an abundance of Mimosa flowers
- Coraline – has an abundance of cats
- Caleb- has an abundance of legos
- Sierra – has an abundance of toys
- Cormac – has an abundance of trains
- Lily- has an abundance of hair bows.
All tangible objects – like money.
Ok –yes. How about feelings, emotions, ways of being– non-tangible — soft results?
“peace love joy” mixed media on paper
Ahhhh now look at the connections that the children made:
- Emily – love
- Coraline – happiness
- Caleb – excitement
- Sierra – cuteness
- Cormac – joy
- Lily – friendship
- I added – peace
So much of my work as an artist and a Kindergarten teacher focuses on the fostering of the intangible concepts of Abundance.
How do you attract intangible abundance?
One way I know (very well!) is to attract intangible abundance by surrounding yourself with beautiful art that inspires and moves your soul.
Take a look through my gallery and pick one painting that says “Abundance” to you, and post your find in the comments.